Since my time at DRIFT was not only about observing, learning and researching but also about doing and making, I organised creative sessions. An important element of transition management is the transition arena. During transition arenas the goal is to create a shared vision with all participants. This vision focuses on the future, the direction that should be taken within that specific context. Usually these visions are formed through conversations, making use of visual tools like mood boards and mind maps. I wanted to experiment with using other methods to create visions, to see what would happen. We focused on the topic ‘Impact of DRIFT in 2025’. The future vision forming was done using three creative methods: storytelling, visualising and prototyping. I aimed to discover if these methods sparked imagination and helped with forming visions about DRIFT’s impact in the future, but also to inspire colleagues to use different methods during their own sessions. After hosting the sessions, I had gathered many different visions. Since I wanted to show DRIFT what design can offer while making something useful for them, I analysed all visions and synthesized them into a tangible prototype of DRIFT’s impact in 2025. The prototype contained a story about DRIFT in 2025, which could be listened to while looking at the prototype. Additionally, people could position themselves in the prototype, indicating which part of the future spoke the most to them.